Safeguarding is paramount at Carmel College, where we foster a secure, nurturing environment for every member of our community. We are steadfast in our commitment to the welfare, safety, and protection of our students, understanding that a secure learning environment is the bedrock of successful education and personal development.

Our comprehensive safeguarding policies and procedures are rigorously implemented and regularly reviewed, maintaining a culture of vigilance, where students, staff, and parents/carers are educated and empowered to recognise and report any concerns.

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs S Thornton

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads - Kevin McCann and Louise Parnaby

Our dedicated safeguarding team works tirelessly to address any issues promptly and sensitively, providing support and guidance to ensure the wellbeing of all our students. At Carmel College, safeguarding is not just a policy - it is an integral part of our ethos, reflecting our unwavering dedication to creating a safe and supportive educational journey for all.

There is a team of colleagues who have advanced training in safeguarding, and you will see their pictures on screens around the building.

Please feel free to approach them with any concerns you may have.

You can identify them with ease by their yellow lanyards which are clearly marked with the word Safeguarding or email 

There is a lot of support available to keep your child safe online. Below are some useful links to help parents and carers:

  • Thinkyouknow (provides advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online)
  • Internet matters (provides age-specific online safety checklists, guides on how to set parental controls on a range of devices, and a host of practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world)
  • Parent info (is a collaboration between Parentzone and the NCA providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations)
  • Childnet (offers a toolkit to support parents and carers of children of any age to start discussions about their online life, to set boundaries around online behaviour and technology use, and to find out where to get more help and support)
  • LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • Net-aware (has support for parents and carers from the NSPCC and O2, including a guide to social networks, apps and games)
  • London Grid for Learning (has support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online, including tips to keep primary aged children safe online)
  • Let's Talk About It (has advice for parents and carers to keep children safe from online radicalisation)
  • UK Safer Internet Centre (has tips, advice, guides and other resources to help keep children safe online, including parental controls offered by home internet providers and safety tools on social networks and other online services)

The Government has also provided:


National Online Safety Leaflets

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Carmel Online Safety Newsletters

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Safeguarding Resources

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