At the start of your child's educational journey at Carmel College, we recognize the paramount importance of open and effective communication between parents, carers, and our dedicated staff. To foster this crucial connection, we have established two key avenues for dialogue and collaboration: Academic Mentoring Days and Parents' Evening.

Academic Mentoring Days:

Upon enrollment at Carmel College, each student is assigned an Academic Mentor. Typically, this mentor is either a Form Tutor or a dedicated staff member responsible for a specific year group. These mentors play an integral role in nurturing your child's academic and personal development.

Twice a year, for students in years 7-10, and once a year for those in years 11-13, we organize Academic Mentoring Days. These events provide an invaluable opportunity to celebrate your child's achievements, their acquisition of subject-specific skills, and pinpoint areas for further growth.

During these meetings, your child will have the chance to showcase their proudest work and explain the reasons behind their enthusiasm. At the conclusion of the meeting, in collaboration with all stakeholders, up to three developmental targets will be set to guide your child's ongoing progress.

Parents' Evening:

For parents and caregivers of students in years 10-13, we host Parents' Evening once a year. This event is designed to facilitate meaningful discussions between you and your child's individual subject tutors, providing a comprehensive understanding of both academic and pastoral progress.

Parents' Evening serves as a platform for constructive conversations. Our teachers will celebrate the strengths your child has gained in knowledge and skills throughout the academic year. It is an opportunity for you to gain insights into your child's educational journey and discover ways to support them in realizing their full potential.

At Carmel College, we believe that fostering a strong partnership between parents, caregivers, and our dedicated staff is fundamental to your child's success. Through Academic Mentoring Days and Parents' Evening, we aim to create an environment where open communication and collaboration thrive, ensuring that every student receives the support they need to reach their full potential.

What is School Cloud?

At Carmel we use School cloud, allowing your parents and teachers to meet easily at college at a time that suits the parent/carer. 

Parents and carers will be notified by the college when booking is available and will be directed to our custom link which is: SchoolCloud - Carmel College

How to use School Cloud