At Carmel College, we hold our students to the highest standards, expecting them not only to excel academically but also to embody the values that define our community. We anticipate that every student will engage actively in their learning journey, showing commitment, curiosity, and a willingness to challenge themselves.

Respect, integrity, and empathy are the cornerstones of our interactions, and we expect students to uphold these principles in their dealings with their peers and with staff.

Participation in college life, from academic pursuits to extracurricular activities, is encouraged, fostering a spirit of cooperation, leadership, and community service.

As members of Carmel College, students are expected to contribute positively to our inclusive environment, celebrating diversity and supporting one another in achieving collective and personal goals. Our expectations are high because we believe in the immense potential of every student to succeed and reach their true potential.

It is important that all of us remember that:

· Our students are individual and valued members of the community.

· Our surroundings reflect the respect and care we have for one another.

· Behaviour must be reasonable in that it helps to provide secure environment for all.

· Mutual respect for others is a key part of our ethos, where learning thrives, and students develop resilience.

A few simple rules help to build a caring community.

· Daily attendance is our expectation. Registration is at 8:50am.

· Lateness will be followed up by the Pastoral Team.

· Absence will be confirmed by parents/carers on the first morning of illness through the College office or MCAS app.

· Where possible medical / dental appointment will take place outside of the College day.

· Students will not leave the College premises during the College day without permission.

· Textbooks and exercise books must not be defaced.

· All homework planners must be signed by parents /carers weekly.

· Mobile phones must be turned off during lesson times and should only be used outside building as a consideration to others. The college will not accept responsibility for loss, damage, or theft of mobile phones.

· Students may carry bottled water and have access to it at all times.

· Chewing gum is not permitted in College.

· Tipp-ex is not permitted in College.

· Jewellery must not be worn. (One pair of studs in the ears may be worn). College uniform must be worn at all times, including to and from College.