Our Catholic ethos calls us to nurture resilience, responsibility and commitment to community in our students. Attending college daily is essential for developing these virtues. While occasional absences may happen, we want to emphasise that students should attend college even if they have a common cold - staying home is only recommended if they have a high fever or contagious illness. It is our expectation that all students make every effort to be present and punctual daily.

Research clearly demonstrates that frequent absences often lead to poor academic performance. Missed days mean missed learning. Attending college consistently helps students stay engaged, participate fully, and build meaningful relationships. Please schedule non-urgent medical and dental appointments outside of college hours whenever possible. Family holidays and trips should occur during breaks, not during term time. Holidays taken during term time, in accordance with our attendance policy will be unauthorised and, in some circumstances, we will also seek to issue a failure to attend college fine. As part of encouraging responsibility and punctuality, our college gates will close promptly each morning at 9.10 am. Students arriving after that time will need to enter through the main college gate and register with student support. We closely track lateness as part of our broader strategy to foster independence and personal accountability in our young adults. The pastoral team diligently monitors overall attendance and punctuality patterns and is there to offer support and encouragement removing barriers to learning.

We recognise that regular attendance requires a partnership between families and the College. We are here to support you and your child and together we can encourage responsibility, resilience, and success.